52 research outputs found

    Total Quality Management Practice in Croatian Language Service Provider Companies

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    The aim of this paper is to perform analysis of existing practice of Quality Management (QM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in Croatian Language Service Provider (LSP) companies in order to analyse the gap and suggest recommendations. In this case study, twelve SME Croatian LSP companies are analysed by number of employees, existing and missing workplaces, focused business market, offices, Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2015 (2015) and membership in professional organizations. The existing practice in LSP Croatian companies are analysed through 10 TQM (total quality management) principles using self-evaluation assessment. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Sentence Alignment as the Basis for Translation Memory Database

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    Sentence alignment represents the basis for computer-assisted translation (CAT), terminology management, term extraction, word alignment and crosslinguistic information retrieval. Created out of the sentence alignment process, translation memory (TM) represents the basis for further research in translation equivalencies. Automatic sentence alignment, based on parallel texts, faces two types of problems: robustness and discrepancies between source and target texts in layout and omissions which have an influence on the accuracy of the alignment process. The aim of the paper is to present research on the sentence alignment process carried out on the Croatian-English parallel texts (laws, regulations, acts and decisions) and implemented by the alignment tool WinAlign 7.5.0 by SDL Trados 2006 Professional. The alignment process and its impact on the creation of translation memories is presented through comparison of translation memories that differ regarding the levels of expert intervention in the set up of the alignment program and preparation of the source text for the segmentation. Recommendations for further development using statistical analysis, automatic learning techniques and language knowledge are suggested

    Unifikacijske gramatike kao okvir za leksičko-funkcionalnu gramatiku (LFG)

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    Unifikacijske gramatike objedinjuju znanja iz lingvistike, informatike, logike i matematike, koristeći operaciju unifikacije kao osnovni princip udruživanja i unoÅ”enja kontekstualnih elemenata. Leksičko-funkcionalna gramatika i u svome imenu ističe razliku od ostalih gramatika: jezične pojave opisuje preko gramatičkih funkcija prikazanih u leksikonu ujedinjujuć i na taj način eksplicitne prikaze na morfoloÅ”koj, leksičkoj, sintaktičkoj i semantičkoj razini. Koji su to razlozi utjecali na razvoj unifikacijskih gramatika i leksičko-funkcionalne gramatike (LFG) osobito? Na koji bi se način LFG mogla primijeniti u formalnom prikazu hrvatskoga jezika? Većina formalnih opisa odnosi se na engleski jezik te poneÅ”to na njemač ki, francuski i talijanski. Kako prikazati jezike s bogatim morfoloÅ”kim sustavom i relativno slobodnim poretkom riječi, kao Å”to je hrvatski? To su neka od pitanja na koja ću pokuÅ” ati odgovoriti. Nakon uvodnog dijela, reći ću neÅ”to o razvoju unifikacijskih gramatika i osnovnom principu unifikacije, a zatim o leksičko-funkcionalnoj gramatici i njezinoj primjeni na hrvatski jezik

    Evaluation of Electronic Translation Tools Through Quality Parameters

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    In the paper, the difference of translation quality of texts obtained through traditional reference works and online electronic translation tools (corpus and multilingual terminology database) will be measured in three main categories: lexical, orthographic and punctuation; syntactically and stylistically using paired samples t-test. The translation was made with the support of electronic translation tools, using the example of a Slovenian bilingual corpus called Evrokorpus and the multilingual terminolog y database Evroterm. In the paper, the hypothesis that modern online translation tools contribute to the quality and consistency of expert translations, as well as to the acquisition of new competitive skills and knowledge is to be examined

    Evaluation of Free Online Machine Translations for Croatian-English and English-Croatian Language Pairs

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    This paper presents a study on the evaluation of texts from four domains (city description, law, football, monitors) translated from Croatian into English by four free online translation services (Google Translate, Stars21, InterTran and Translation Guide) and texts translated from English into Croatian by Google Translate. The aim of the paper is to conduct a machine translation evaluation of free translation services and to measure inter-rater agreement and the influence of error types on the criteria of fluency and adequacy. The evaluation is performed by students and the results are analyzed by Fleiss kappa and Pearsonā€™s correlation

    Visualization of Big Data Text Analytics in Financial Industry: A Case Study of Topic Extraction for Italian Banks

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    Textual data and analysis can derive new insights and bring valuable business insights. These insights can be further leveraged by making better future business decisions. Sources that are used for text analysis in financial industry vary from internal word documents, email to external sources like social media, websites or open data. The system described in this paper will utilize data from social media (Twitter) and tweets related to Italian banks, in Italian. This system is based on open source tools (R language) and topic extraction model was created to gather valuable information. This paper describes methods used for data ingestion, modelling, visualizations of results and insights. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Using Translation Memory to Speed up Translation Process

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    Translation process is one aspect of human creativity. Due to globalization, EU accession negotiations, and the need for information exchange, the amount of translation work increases on a daily basis. The translation process is hindered by the fact that the languages involved differ culturally, stylistically, syntactically and lexically. This paper explores the benefits and limitations of TMs (translation memories). TMs are not used for replacing humans in the translation process, but rather for enhancing the human translation process. In this paper, a detailed analysis of Atrilā€™s DĆ©jĆ  Vu X system is presented, along with its time-saving implications, which are based on the reuse of previously stored segments. Excerpts from three different digital camera user manuals are translated from English into Croatian. Evaluation is performed by measuring the time difference between human and TM-based translation speeds in preparation, translation, and revision phases, and with regard to six different parameters

    National Brand Identity: Pilot Study on Perception of Croatian Student Population

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    A message sent to a specific market or an audience contains certain types of information that affect the audience. For this reason, brand identity, nowadays increasingly in a digital form, plays an important role. Each state wants to create a robust, attractive, and different brand identity that will set it apart from other states and thus augment its reputation. This research aimed to determine the elements of brand identity that respondents mostly associate with Croatia and to examine their attitudes towards the belief that the brand identity that influences emotions is essential in the creation of national visual identity, as well as their attitudes towards the assumption that the brand identity of Croatia should be liked first by the inhabitants of Croatia, and only then by foreign tourists. Two research propositions were tested using the structural equation modeling, measuring the relationship between the emotional and formal elements of brand identity with the attitudes towards the emotions concerning the brand identity and the relevance of the brand identity to the country residents

    Information Retrieval and Terminology Extraction In Online Resources for Patients with Diabetes

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    Terminology use, as a mean for information retrieval or document indexing, plays an important role in health literacy. Specific types of users, i.e. patients with diabetes need access to various online resources (on foreign and/or native language) searching for information on self-education of basic diabetic knowledge, on self-care activities regarding importance of dietetic food, medications, physical exercises and on self-management of insulin pumps. Automatic extraction of corpus-based terminology from online texts, manuals or professional papers, can help in building terminology lists or list of ā€œbrowsing phrasesā€ useful in information retrieval or in document indexing. Specific terminology lists represent an intermediate step between free text search and controlled vocabulary, between userā€™s demands and existing online resources in native and foreign language. The research aiming to detect the role of terminology in online resources, is conducted on English and Croatian manuals and Croatian online texts, and divided into three interrelated parts: i) comparison of professional and popular terminology use ii) evaluation of automatic statistically-based terminology extraction on English and Croatian texts iii) comparison and evaluation of extracted terminology performed on English manual using statistical and hybrid approaches. Extracted terminology candidates are evaluated by comparison with three types of reference lists: list created by professional medical person, list of highly professional vocabulary contained in MeSH and list created by non-medical persons, made as intersection of 15 lists. Results report on use of popular and professional terminology in online diabetes resources, on evaluation of automatically extracted terminology candidates in English and Croatian texts and on comparison of statistical and hybrid extraction methods in English text. Evaluation of automatic and semi-automatic terminology extraction methods is performed by recall, precision and f-measure

    Evaluation of the Statistical Machine Translation Service for Croatian-English

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    Much thought has been given in an endeavour to formalize the translation process. As a result, various approaches to MT (machine translation) were taken. With the exception of statistical translation, all approaches require cooperation between language and computer science experts. Most of the models use various hybrid approaches. Statistical translation approach is completely language independent if we disregard the fact that it requires huge parallel corpus that needs to be split into sentences and words. This paper compares and discusses state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) models and evaluation methods. Results of statistically-based Google Translate tool for Croatian-English translations are presented and multilevel analysis is given. Three different types of texts are manually evaluated and results are analysed by the Ļ‡2-test
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